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Kupuna Aikido Instructors

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Bill Doi, 5th Degree Black Belt:  Board member.

Over 40 years of Aikido experience, started in February 1978. Received 1st Degree black belt in December 1990. Over the years, Bill has seen his practice evolve into one of finesse, careful body placement, and movements in lieu of strength. Emphasis is placed on protecting one’s practice partner instead of viewing them as an opponent. Bill has been teaching Aikido since the 90s and started the senior Safe Falling class in 2017. Bill has often mentioned, “in Aikido practice, 50% of the time is spent falling, and we believe we have a unique perspective to offer Hawaii’s seniors.”

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Steve Glanstein, 5th Degree Black Belt:  Board member.  Over 50 years of Aikido experience. Steve and his father, Ralph, were introduced to Aikido at a demonstration of the “unbendable arm”; both became ardent practitioners after Ralph, already a Judoka, could not bend young Steve’s arm. Steve first practiced in New York City and then Hawaii (from 1963), first teaching as a teenager in Hawaii in the late 60s. Steve goes to practice and teach in Argentina every year. He developed the “wiggle the finger”, “Aikido with folders”, and “Aikido with ties” methodology to promote relaxation and proper body movement. Steve also taught the senior Safe Falling class since 2017 with Bill and Hiroshi.

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Dennis Jinnohara, 5th Degree Black Belt:  Board member.  Over 36 years of Aikikai Aikido experience, trained in Japan, California, Kansas, Korea, Northern Virginia, and Hawaii. He has also trained  in Ki Society-Shin Shin Toitsu Aikido for the last 5 years to develop Ki and to soften Aikido style.  Dennis retired from working as a Department of Defense Civilian in Human Resources with an emphasis in Adult Training and Development and actively volunteers with other community service organizations.


Bob Putes, is a 5th degree black belt:  Board member. He started Aikido in 1996 and studied under Sensei Robert Kubo on the Windward side. He is also a 1st degree black belt in Iaido, the art of using the sword. Bob came to Hawaii in 1972 while in the Navy and never left. He is retired and volunteers for various community groups.

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Carrie Mukaida: Board member and assistant. She volunteers with Kupuna Aikido to share the knowledge and skills acquired over many years as a Dietitian-Nutritionist in clinical nutrition and research, public health and nephrology. After taking Aikido for several years more than 30 years ago, she found the Kupuna Aikido Falling Safely classes to be a perfect way to practice some of her Aikido training and meet other Kupuna. 


Wayne Kozuma, 6th degree:

Studied with Robert Kubo Sensei since high school.


Kai Li, 3rd Degree Black Belt with a lifetime of experience in many systems requiring practical falling skills. A lifelong martial artist, he has lived and trained around the world studying various systems, each within their own unique geographical and cultural context. He has developed, taught and pioneered Adaptive Self-Defense programs for the disabled, for children with Downs Syndrome, and for the blind and hearing impaired. He also serves as an instructor teaching courses in First Aid and CPR.


Norm Kumura, began Aikido in the fifth grade starting at the YBA dojo.  He practiced under sensei Isao Takahashi until they moved to Hawai’i Kotohira Jinsha in Kalihi.  They helped raise funds to build the Waialae dojo and were among the first to practice there.  He received his Aikido 1st degree black belt in 1962 while a sophomore at Oregon State University.  Norm also has over 20 years of Iyengar yoga practice.


Marc Morinaga, 4th Degree Black Belt: Over 23 years of Aikido experience. Trained under Yoshioka sensei during the 1970s and continued training under Kubo sensei from 2001. I am also a certified instructor of Reiki, a Hike leader for the High School Hikers organization and a volunteer for the Hawaii Nature Center. I have tried to make a difference in people’s lives and Kupuna Aikido allows me an opportunity to share my experiences in Aikido to help people fall safely and prevent any serious injuries.


Curtis Shinsato, first started practicing martial arts at Manoa Aikido Dojo until his UH graduation.  A 27-year hiatus from Aikido lasted until he retired from the Army Reserves as a Lieutenant Colonel.  Curtis resumed practicing as a white belt at Kailua Aikido Club and eventually earned a 3rd degree black belt.  He has since retired as an Army civilian mobilization planner and simulations training support.  Robert Kubo Sensei used to say, "You may never need Aikido in your life time, but the moment you need it, it is there."  Over the decades, Curtis learned that this is a true statement.  His Aikido training prevented him from getting fall injuries.  Curtis hopes safe falling will protect others too.

Kupuna Aikido Assistants

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Debra Bolosan

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Maurice Bolosan


Barbara (Bobbi) Brouillet

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Belinda Chung


Kathy Kozuma

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Carol Ogasawara

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